joy comes from the inside out, in the now.

What is expand?

EXPAND is a storytelling event featuring individuals who choose to live for their everyday. How they came to find the little things that make them come alive, and how they continue to expand their being from right here, right NOW. Conscious, aware, present, grateful, joy from within. Never arriving, always expanding.


We plan so tightly our days, trips, interactions, goals, somedays — that we miss something beautiful in the present moment: a person, place, idea, sensation, awareness — that could change our lives for good. Instead of spending our lives in our heads, let us spend them in our bodies, feelings, hearts — in the NOW. The present is where you will find yourself and fulfillment. From within. Pleasure is in a single moment from something external, and is quickly gone. But JOY is an overarching sense of being that can never be taken away from a bad day or experience, because it comes from the inside out.

What excites you about your everyday?
What little things light you up?

We have all had moments in our lives where we are totally present, where there was no such thing as time, and it felt like more was going on than what was really going on. They became part of our DNA. Now, in our everyday we know how to tap into that, from within as we observe what is right in front of us. For me it is water, ice, snow, trees, sunrises, one on one connections, walking, swimming, dancing, looking someone in the eye, laughing etc. I dont have to go somewhere or wait for the weekend to experience the aliveness that is right here, within and right in front of us.
I often think about dogs, and how they are SO excited to go on the same walk, eat the same food, see the same people every day. They dont get bored or need variety to be happy and excited, they just need to BE:) I strive to live like that:)

So much of our lives are focused on the “someday” at arms length, that we forget to embrace what we have worked so hard for when we finally get there, to that someday. Many of us have found our identity and purpose in WORK for so many years. The pandemic really allowed people to pause, be, exhale, and find joy in the present moment. With no real idea of what the next day held for work, community, life- we HAD to, and if we embraced the unknown and let go of control, there was a lot of good that came from that hard stop. 

“Expand is about a way of living, concentrating our energy on expanding our hearts, minds, souls from the NOW… in every moment. Little ah-ha moments along our life timeline have showed us what makes us come alive. Let us listen to our “hell yes” and make room for joy, mindfulness, and a life of intention. When you are living this way- positive energy emanates from you to ignite the world around you! Never arriving, always expanding.”


“My mission in life is to use what I’m good at and passionate about for good, and to inspire others to do what makes them come alive and make a difference in the world.” She manifests this as a graphic designer, video producer, coach/ consultant, speaker and event creator. She has been designing for environmentally and socially responsible entrepreneurs for close to 20 years. She also coaches/consults, as a certified life coach, with those looking to create or find meaningful work that is aligned with their values, strengths, and what makes them come alive – from the inside out. She was also a founder and co-creator of Fulfillament Storytelling. Through all of her work, Chelsea empowers others to make ideas happen, be successful and make a difference. Having lived and traveled around the world, Chelsea chose to make Traverse City her home, the very place she started.
She finds joy in sunrise walks, hiking, rollerblading, camping, paddling, one-on-one time with friends, laughing w her daughter, dancing, creating and and and:)

We often think our identity is in what we do, wear, look like, pocess… what we know, where we have been, who we are with, what we are working towards. These things are not who we are, we are fully our ourselves in our nothingness - we just ARE, and that is beautiful:)